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Chalkboard Protractor
Chalkboard Meter Ruler
Chalkboard Compass
Chalkboard Drawing Set
Aluminum Pulley - Single
Bench Mounting Adjustable Pulley
Friction Apparatus
Wave Model Demonstrator
27 Peg Drying Rack
Double Burette Clamp
Glassware Kit With Storage Tray
Magnifier 5x Illuminated LED
Geographic Table Globe
Political Table Globe
Political Floor Model Globe
Thames and Kosmos Chem C3000 Chemistry Kit (V 2.0)
Thames and Kosmos Chem C2000 Chemistry Kit (V 2.0)
Thames and Kosmos Chem C1000 Chemistry Kit (V 2.0)
Clear Plastic Tubing - 3-8" I.D. - 1-2" O.D. (per foot)
Clear Plastic Tubing - 1-4" I.D. - 3-8" O.D. (per foot)